Global Alts 2024

Key Art

The Global Alts 2024 Key Art was not designed by Choyce Creative, however, we played a large role in the overall management and creative design of the key art, providing vital feedback to the firm designing it to ensure it was on-brand and up to client standards.

Motion Graphics

One of the most important tasks given to us by iConnections was to create all of their motion graphic content for the event. We created a wide range of assets for a variety of uses including speaker walk ons and digital signage elements.

Working with over 7 different aspect ratios and resolutions, we created over 100 motion graphic elements for the event that were featured across the entire venue for the duration of Global Alts 2024. 

Speaker Walk Ons

Global Alts 2024 featured 3 general session stages, each stage hosting a wide variety of sessions throughout the single content day. In order to introduce speakers during these sessions, we didn’t want to just do some simple VOGs, we decided to create animated speaker walk on graphics which made everything feel more like a show.

The Egg Wall

One of the main features of the Fontainbleau Miami Beach is the iconic Egg Wall, a LED wall installation located right near the hotel check in desk. It’s a front and center location and gets thousands of impressions per day, being seen by every single attendee of the event.

Because not all video content provided to us was in the correct resolution for the Egg Wall, we also created a PiP frame utilizing the Global Alts 2024 key art to allow us to play standard 16:9 videos without having to break the theme of the event.

Since the event was themed around road shows, we utilized a common asset you’d find on the road, a billboard.

LED Walls

The Fontainbleau Miami Beach features a wide range of digital signage resources throughout the property, some of these are a range of LED walls in key locations. These walls are all various sizes and resolutions, so designing for them can be quite tricky, but we were tasked with creating a loop that could fit on ALL of the LED walls around the venue.

Because of this, we had to create 4 versions of the loop to fit the various aspect ratios. Below you’ll find an example of one of them from one of the escalator LED walls.

Static Graphics

Along with motion graphics, we also created various static graphic elements that were used on digital signage around the Fontainbleau as well as during our live broadcasts.

Video Production

On top of all the graphic and motion graphic elements we produced for Global Alts 2024, we also assisted with the production of their opening video! This is the culmination of an action packed series of videos featuring iConnections’ Head of Business Development, Vern! 

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